Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap Stocks classification is based on the market capitalization. Market capitalization is equal to share price and the total no of issued shares. Any stock with the market capitalization of less than 250 Cr is classified as small cap stock. In case, Mcap is between 250 Cr to 4000 Cr then the share is classified as Mid cap stock. Rest all are classified as large cap stocks or blue chip stocks.
Small cap stocks are more volatile with high risk. At the same time, the growth potential is high. Mid cap stocks are less volatile and risky. Their growth potential is good and is good for long term investment.
Large cap or blue chip stocks are least risky but their returns are less than other 2 categories. A stock can grow from small cap to large cap and vice versa.
When the market is bullish, small cap stocks normally deliver maximum returns and when the stock market is bearish, the large cap stocks are least risky. Therefore, depending on the trend an investor or trader can take appropriate position in the market.
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Small cap stocks are more volatile with high risk. At the same time, the growth potential is high. Mid cap stocks are less volatile and risky. Their growth potential is good and is good for long term investment.
Large cap or blue chip stocks are least risky but their returns are less than other 2 categories. A stock can grow from small cap to large cap and vice versa.
When the market is bullish, small cap stocks normally deliver maximum returns and when the stock market is bearish, the large cap stocks are least risky. Therefore, depending on the trend an investor or trader can take appropriate position in the market.
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Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap Stocks - Market Capitalization [HINDI] trading screen | |
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How-to & Style | Upload TimePublished on 18 Jan 2018 |
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